Pool Health and Safety

Germs in a Pool & How to prevent them!

Learn about the potential illnesses Germs can cause in a pool and how to prevent them.

One Minute Read Summary

•Swimming pools can be a source of infection and illness, such as UTIs, swimmer’s ear, hot tub rash or folliculitis, and Legionnaires disease.

•To prevent pool germs from spreading it is important to shower before swimming; use swim diapers or pants; avoid peeing in the pool; take bathroom breaks regularly; remind others not to poop in the water and wash hands after using the restroom

For more information read below.

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Germs in a Pool & How to prevent them!

it's time to start thinking about pools! But wait – before you take a plunge, know this stat: half of Americans don’t shower or clean up before jumping in. Yikes! Sweat, dirt & hair products can really mess with chlorine-based disinfectants and lead to germs that cause infection & illness. keep your swimming fun by following hygiene tips- It’s very important to always test and balance the chemicals in your pool water.

Illnesses in Pool

•UTIs (Urinary tract infections) It is caused when bacteria have snuck into your bladder from the swimming pool. There are some simple steps you can take! Start by showering after a dip and changing out of wet clothes ASAP, then make sure to stay hydrated throughout the day. Check for symptoms like pain when peeing or cloudy/bloody urine, if so, get in touch with a doctor immediately

•Swimmer’s ear: This is an infection caused when germy pool water gets trapped in your ear canal for too long. Although it usually isn't contagious. To ward off this dreaded condition and its uncomfortable symptoms - like itching and pain — try using swimming earplugs or getting special drops from your doctor before taking the plunge. If you're already suffering the symptoms, don't hesitate to see a doctor

•Hot tub rash or folliculitis: is caused by the germs in contaminated hot tubs and poorly treated heated pools. Sitting for a while with your wet swimsuit on may make things worse! To avoid this uncomfortable itchy issue you should be prepared: skip shaving or waxing before taking the plunge and wash up ASAP after getting out of any body of water containing those pesky germs.

Symptoms include red bumps that itch like crazy as well as pus-filled blisters, yuck! If these appear see your doctor who can provide an anti-itch cream along with other treatments.

•Legionnaires disease: This is a type of pneumonia that can often develop up to two weeks after exposure – usually through inhaling air droplets around pools and hot tubs - this bacteria love warm water environments. If taken lightly, it may cause chest pain, shortness of breath, and other chills. So if something seems fishy after your swim session, see a doctor immediately for the best precautions.

How to prevent Pool germs

You need to keep the water free of germs or grime while protecting yourself and others from bacteria So take your dive responsibly - it's easy if you know how:

•Shower: A few seconds of pre-swim rinse can help flush away any substance and microbes on your skin. It's simple, effective, and worth every second

•Swim diapers: Regular diapers just don't cut it underwater, you need swimwear specifically designed for swimming and fun: Swim Diapers or Pants. But hey, don’t forget your Caregiver needs to check and change those bad boys every hour

•Pee and Poo? Don’t be a Pool Pooper! Taking care of our community pools is everyone's responsibility, even if you spot someone doing the unthinkable. Chlorine won't cut it here, when bodily waste enters the mix, its germ-fighting powers take a total dive. So don't think twice about kindly reminding those you see breaking this rule that there are better places to do their business.

•Bathroom break: Stop the fun at least once every two hours, that way everyone can take a moment for bathroom trips or diaper changes. Just remember the basics: scrub those hands clean before heading back in the water!

•It is very important that you test and balance the chemicals in your pool water at least once a week. Here is a Complete Guide on Pool Maintenance and a guide on How to Shock a Pool & What you need to know!

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