Pool Fun and Lifestyle

Pool Workouts: The Best Exercises to Get Fit and Have Fun in the Pool

Revamp your fitness routine with pool workouts featuring standing knee extensions, power water walks, water jumping jacks, and more for a refreshing full-body workout without the impact.

One Minute Read Summary

•Engage your entire body with pool workouts, such as standing knee extensions, power water walks, jumping jacks, lunge steps, sideward walks, water biking, arm lifts, and of course swimming

•Before beginning aquatic exercises verify with a physician or physical therapist to determine which exercises and water level are best suited for optimal results.

•Accessories such as foam noodles and flotation belts may be necessary to stay afloat.

•Temperature of the water should be taken into account; cooler temperatures can reduce fatigue while warmer waters can soothe aches or pains.

•Overall intensity should be monitored; listen to your body when it is telling you "no more!"

Read below for more information

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Refresh and reset your fitness routine with some aquatic exercise! What's better on a hot day than beating the heat in a pool? Hop into the water for an invigorating full-body workout without any of the land-based drawbacks, it might be just what your body is asking for!

Standing knee extensions

Stand up against the wall, lift one of your knees up so that is even with your hip, then straighten it so that is parallel to the floor and then bend back, straighten it again, and bend back again; start by doing 10-15 reps with each leg, start by doing three sets and increase as needed. if you're looking for an extra challenge try them without any support from the wall! You can vary by lifting the legs straight until hip level and pausing with the leg lifted for a few seconds before slowly lowering it down keeping it straight

Power water walk

Walk in the waist or chest-high water to engage your arms, core, and lower body. You can add an extra challenge by using hand or ankle weights. Step it out with confidence, and keep that spine straight while you put pressure on the heel first then the toes (not tippy-toeing). Swing those arms as you "power walk" through 5-10 minutes for total body toning success! You can walk forward in one direction and come back backward the same distance or you can also repeat the same process but walk sideways, crossing your legs. Increase speed and time as needed for intensity.

Water jumping jacks

Place yourself in waist-high water, then start by standing straight with feet together while you bring your hands down to the sides. Now stretch those limbs out wide as you jump before returning to starting position, and repeat 8-12 times for about three sets. Add some resistance for an extra challenge using weights on wrists or ankles. Increase reps or weight as needed.

Lunge steps

Stand near a pool wall for support and take giant steps either forwards, sideways, or both! Don't let those knees go past their toes - you'll be sure to tone up with three sets of 10 lunge steps. Be creative and mix in some variation by taking these moves across the pool instead of staying put. You got this!


For this pool activity, challenge your balance as you sidestep along the wall. Make sure your posture is upright and move sideways with each step so that both your body and toes face toward the wall. Take 10-20 steps in one direction before heading back…increase speed and steps as needed for an enjoyable stroll around the poolside!

Water biking

Go to the deeper end of your Pool and hold yourself against the wall or against the corner with your arms on the pool edge, or wrap one or two noodles around you like a life jacket, and place your arms on top, ready to ride. Quickly pedal those legs as if you were actually biking...all while keeping afloat in the water, how cool is that? Remember to take it easy for 3-5 minutes and increase speed and intensity as needed.

Arm lifts

Grab a pair of foam dumbbells, and head over to the pool. Stand in shoulder-deep water, and hold the weights at either side so that your palms are facing upwards. Bring those elbows to close as you lift both forearms up high above Give them each wristy twirl before bringing it back down for 1-3 sets of 10-15 reps per round. You can also do the same process but lift your arms laterally. Increase reps as needed.


Of course, that swimming should be on this list. Whether it's feeling refreshed, burning calories like running without impacting your bones or boosting physical & mental health, there are so many reasons why you should add a splash of this exercise to your routine. Here are the Benefits of Swimming and Why your Kid should know how to Swim?

Before jumping right into your aquatic workout, be sure to check with your doctor or physical therapist first. Depending on what condition you have, different exercises and water levels are better suited for optimal health benefits. Stay hydrated, plus, don't forget about accessories like Styrofoam noodles and flotation belts if you need help staying afloat! The temperature of the water is also important, cooler temperatures may get rid of fatigue while warmer waters can soothe any aches or pains. Lastly, remember, no matter how much resistance training gets involved; always listen to your body when it's telling you 'no more!'

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