How do I vacuum a Pool?
Learn how to effectively vacuum your pool with this comprehensive step-by-step guide.
One Minute Read Summary
•Vacuuming a pool requires the use of a vacuum head, telescopic pole, extended hose, and optional skim vac or vacuum plate.
•Connect all components securely with clamps if needed. Remove air from the hose by submerging it in water and pressing against the return jet until bubbles stop rising.
•Attach to the skimmer using either a vacuum plate or remove the basket and insert it directly into the hole in the bottom of the skimmer. Set the filter valve setting to “Filter” for light cleaning; set it to “Waste” for more intense cleaning; refill the pool as you clean with a garden hose so that the water level stays even.
•Vacuum slowly with linear passes; empty the pump basket or skimmer basket regularly if necessary, if the water turns cloudy wait several hours until clears up again; turn off the pump briefly if the vacuum head becomes stuck while vacuuming.
•Finish up by ensuring no debris remains in the skimmer/pump basket & change back any filter settings changed earlier; scrub floor/sides w/ brush attached to pole & clean filter when done.
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How to Vacuum a Pool
All you need is a Pool Vacuum head, a Telescopic pole for extra reach, an extended House so no corner goes unchecked, and if you're feeling fancy try out the optional Skim vac or Vacuum plate.
1. Connect the vacuum head, hose, and telescopic pole.
Make sure the pump is working - otherwise all that vacuuming would be pointless! Finally, secure with a clamp if needed so no part slips away from its assigned duties
2. Remove air from the hose
Submerge the vacuum head and the hose in your pool, then press one end of the vacuum hose against a return jet – this will push out all the air! Keep an eye on it; once you don’t see any more bubbles rising, you know it's done and ready for cleaning.
3. Connect the vacuum hose
Attach your vacuum hose to the skimmer using a vacuum plate. If you don’t have the vacuum plate then take the skimmer basket off, block off the end of the hose with your hand and insert it into the hole in the bottom of the skimmer. Make sure is firmly in place. (Some pools have a cleaner suction port in the pool, you can also connect the hose to it instead of the skimmer)
4. Select a filter valve setting
Set the multiport valve to "Filter" when you want a light vacuum. If you need something more intense just switch it to “Waste”. But wait - remember that drained water has to go somewhere, refill as you clean, refill your pool with a garden hose so that the water level stays even.
5. Vacuuming
Give it a slow and steady vacuuming with linear passes, treat vacuuming like mowing a lawn. The dirtier the pool is, better get ready to empty the pump basket every now and then - but don't worry because this will let you have crystal clear waters.
If you find your vacuum's head stuck, turn off the pump for a few seconds. If you experience cloudy water, don't worry - just give it a few hours. When the dust has settled (literally!), come back and vacuum up any remaining debris so your pool is crystal clear!
6. Vacuumed to perfection and final touches
It's time for the finishing touches! Ensure no debris remains in the skimmer and pump basket. If you made changes to filter settings earlier - now’s when they need changing back. Finally, grab a brush attached to a pole and give your swimming spot an extra sparkle by scrubbing its floor and sides with pride. Last, if you used the “filter” setting you should clean your filter
Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to clean a pool filter
More to know:
.You don't need to remove your skimmer basket when vacuuming, just use a vacuum plate.
.If you notice that the dirt is coming back into the pool while vacuuming, turn your filter to “waste”
What if have a Robotic Pool Cleaner?
Don't let your robotic pool cleaner give you a false sense of security! While it can help with daily maintenance, heavy debris needs to be regularly removed, or else algae and water quality issues could arise. Manual Vacuuming is the perfect solution for keeping things spick-and-span and preventing future headaches.
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