Pool Losing Water! Leak, or Evaporation?
Learn how to distinguish between natural evaporation and leaks, detect signs of leaks, and perform diagnostic tests to identify the source.
One Minute Read Summary
•Pool water can be lost due to natural evaporation (up to ¼” per day) or leaks
•Pool leaks may occur for a variety of reasons including deteriorating seals, failing light fixtures, and worn piping
•Signs of a leak include drops in water level, water around pool equipment, cracks in surfaces, wet yard, high water bills, gurgling sounds and dirt in the pool, and chemical imbalances
•Techniques to diagnose and discover a potential leak include the bucket test and dye test
•Most common leak sources are underground pipes, pool structures, skimmers, main drain, and lights/return jets
Read below for more information
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Whether it's due to the humidity, an uptick of warmth, or even windy days, your pool will naturally evaporate its liquid assets over time; however, water loss can also be produced by a leak in your pool, which represents a problem.
How much water loss can be due to Evaporation?
A typical residential backyard oasis can lose up to a quarter-inch per day, but if you enclose the area or get some features like heated pools and fountains then evaporation rates may increase.
Pool Leaks! What causes it?
Pool leaks can happen for a variety of reasons, from deteriorating seals to failing plumbing fittings or light fixtures. Not only is it important to fix them fast because you don't want to waste money due to heat and chemicals, but also because left unchecked they can wash away the dirt around your pool structure, causing expensive repair bills down the line.
Signs of a Leak in a Pool
•Drops in the water level, is the clearest sign of a leak
•Water around the pool equipment, that’s not where water is supposed to be. Check around the equipment and pipes
•Cracks in surfaces leaking water causes the ground around your pool to become unstable and create cracks or tile movement
•Wet yard, If you've noticed unusual wet spots, uneven grass growth near the pool area, or shifts in landscaping that can mean only one thing, water movement underground!
•Overly high water bills, keep watch for the automated fill running more than usual and take action
•Mysteriuos Gurgling sounds or dirt in the pool, this might be a sign that air or dirt is being blown in, due to an unseen leak!
•Chemical imbalances, be diligent and check in on chemical levels, if things start to look off, you'll want an experienced eye before any further damage is done!
Techniques to Check if a Pool has a Leak
Dye Test
Discovering a leak in your pool can be tricky without some sleuthing skills. To find the source of an underground plumbing issue, try performing The Dye Test! Turn off the filtration system and fill up your pool to its normal water level before adding a few drops of dye or food coloring near where you suspect the leak is occurring. If you have goggles handy, even better - just follow that mischievous colored liquid as it flows toward (and hopefully reveals)the cause of all this trouble-making!
Bucket Test
Fill up a 5-gallon bucket with water, mark where it is filled to inside, then place it in the pool, and mark the water level outside the bucket. After 24 hours, check back, has the outside water level dropped more than the inside? If so you have yourself an underwater mystery that needs solving by a pro!
Most Common Leak locations
•Underground piping, Look for suspiciously soft, wet spots around your swimming area - they could be a sign that your return piping is ready to burst. Just make sure to get it taken care of before you have an even bigger mess on your hands!
•Pool Structure, might take something as clear-cut as a crack or tile issue, or something more subtle like a dye test
•Skimmer, It's likely to be ground zero if things have gone astray. If you notice any damage or wear and tear on its materials, keep a close eye around the piping, that might signal some sneaky leakage too!
•Follow the "main" lead. Main drain leaks are tricky to detect and can be hard to reach - so if you think that may have sprung one, it's best to call in your local pool building or servicing pro!
•Pool lights and return jets, Make sure you have someone to check out those jets and lights before they become draining (literally) problems so that you don't get caught with wet feet when it's time for a dip.
If you suspect your pool is a bit leaky, it's time to call in the experts, or at least act like one! Start by shutting down any pumps and auto-fill systems. Then use all of your detective skills to sleuth out signs such as moisture buildup, cracks, unbalanced chemistry, or whatever looks suspicious. Have fun testing for leaks with the two classic tests shown above: the bucket test and dye test
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